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Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School Assessment Results

This is the first year post-pandemic that school results are to be published


SATs Results & Assessment Details 2022-2023

School Data for the Academic Year 2022 / 2023


Progress Result
Achieving good level of development 64.3%

Phonics Screening Checks

Year Pass Rate
Year 1 82%
Year 2 (Re-sits) 35%

Key Stage 1 (End of Year 2)

Subject Reaching Expected Standard* Above Expected Standard
Reading 66% 24%
Writing 58% 15%
Mathematics 71% 20%

*Note: The figure for 'Reaching Expected Standard' includes those working 'At' and 'Above' Expected Standard (ie. at Greater Depth).

Key Stage 2 (End of Year 6)

Subject Reaching Expected Standard* Above Expected Standard Average Scaled Score
Reading 83% 37% 106
Writing 71% 10% n/a
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 85% 49% 108
Mathematics 83% 34% 106
Reading, Writing and Mathematics Combined 70% 9% n/a

*Note: The figure for 'Reaching Expected Standard' includes those working 'At' and 'Above' Expected Standard (ie. at Greater Depth).

Progress - this data is currently provisional

Subject Average Progress  Confidence Interval
Reading +1.68 +0.52 to +3.88
Writing +1.61 -0.93 to +2.29
Mathematics +1.58 +1.19 to +4.35

DfE Website

DfE Website

For further information on our school results see the Department for Education's website (external link).

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